Our partners

Korea Future was founded with a mandate from North Korean survivors of human rights violations, meaning our choice of partners is crucial. Domestically, we collaborate with small, locally rooted human rights groups, particularly those led by survivors or members of the diaspora. Nationally, we collaborate with other civil society organisations, ensuring that our efforts complement rather than duplicate existing work. Globally, we collaborate with a range of alliances and organisations, focusing on those that bring significant value to our mission.

Baul Local Centre for Children
Center for Justice & Accountability
Connect: North Korea
Embassy of Canada to the Republic of Korea
Embassy of the Netherlands to the Republic of Korea
Global Rights Compliance
Harvard Law School
Human Rights First
Improving North Korean Human Rights Center
Jangdaehyun School
Justice Rapid Response
KDB Future Strategy Research Institute
Korea Hana Foundation
Korea University
Korea Women's Associations United
Leiden University
Nambuk Sarang School
North Korean Defectors Unwed Mother and Disabled Support Association
North Korean Human Rights Union
Open Society Justice Initiatives
Priming School
Seoul Women’s University
The Advocates for Human Rights
Tongil Moms’ Association
University of Amsterdam
University of Groningen
University of Pennsylvania
Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice