Korea Future's Visual Investigation Featured in NRC Article

We are pleased that our new visual investigation, titled ‘Ryanggang: Inside the North Korean Prison State’ has been prominently featured in a recent article by NRC, one of the Netherlands' leading newspapers. 
The article, titled "In een Noord-Koreaanse grensgevangenis krijg je dertig maïskorrels per dag" ("In a North Korean Border Prison, You Get Thirty Corn Kernels a Day"), sheds light on pervasive sexual and gender-based violence within the infamous Ryanggang Provincial Ministry of State Security Holding Centre.
Using advanced 3D modelling, satellite imagery, and powerful survivor testimonies, our visual investigation plays a new role in human rights work, particularly in North Korea, where access to information is heavily restricted.  This recognition by NRC underscores the importance of this work and our mission to bring global attention to the plight of North Korean detainees and hold perpetrators accountable.
Read the full NRC article here.

Pathways to Justice: Addressing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in DPRK Prisons


EU Sanctions North Korean Official & Detention Centre for Severe Human Rights Violations