Comprehensive Report Details Accountability Pathways for Arbitrary Detention in the DPRK

Korea Future, in partnership with Leiden University’s Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum, has released a new  report, "Arbitrary Detention in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Accountability Avenues for Rights Violations".
Having recognised the potential reach and practical value that this assessment holds for practitioners, a collective decision was made to publicise these findings. This thorough report is a vital contribution to understanding and addressing the systematic deprivation of liberty in the DPRK, a practice that was – and remains – deeply entrenched in state policy.
The report reviews numerous pathways for holding both the state and individuals accountable. It further discusses the roles of international bodies, including the UN Human Rights Council and the International Criminal Court, while acknowledging the challenges posed notably by the DPRK's non-cooperation.
The conclusion reaffirms the need for persistent international efforts to counter impunity in the DPRK. Incremental actions, such as strategic litigation, targeted sanctions, and robust advocacy, are critical to advancing justice for victims of arbitrary detention and prevent other individuals from falling prey to such treatments.
This report is a  resource for organisations and advocates seeking to address these grave violations and ensure that those responsible are held to account.

Addressing Double Vulnerability: Korea Future’s Submission to UN Special Rapporteurs


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