Korea Future

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Korea Future Submits to UN Universal Periodic Review

Korea Future has submitted two reports to the UN Universal Periodic Review for its 47th session, focusing on the human rights record of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The first submission draws on our North Korean Prison Database. Our report provides a detailed account of systematic human rights violations in the DPRK, including arbitrary detention, torture, and forced labour in political prison camps. It highlights the pervasive abuse of prisoners, the lack of due process, and the exploitation of forced labour, calling for international action to address these grave concerns.
Our second submission, in partnership with Eum Research Institute and UNISEED, addresses critical human rights issues in the DPRK with a specific focus on gender-based violence. This report details the systemic nature of gender-based violence, including sexual abuse and exploitation, particularly in detention facilities and during forced labour. It highlights the state's role in perpetuating these abuses and the urgent need for international intervention to protect vulnerable populations, especially women and girls, from these ongoing violations.