Korea Future

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EU Sanctions North Korean Official & Detention Centre for Severe Human Rights Violations

Korea Future warmly welcomes the Council of the European Union’s decision to impose sanctions on North Korea’s Minister of State Security, Ri Chang Dae, and the Onsong County Ministry of State Security Detention Centre in North Hamgyong Province. These entities have been sanctioned under the European Union’s Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime for their roles in severe human rights violations.
Today’s sanctions are based on a comprehensive dossier submitted by Korea Future in November 2023, which contains extensive primary evidence from victims, witnesses, and former state agents. Our evidence, which met strict legal standards, detailed widespread sexual and gender-based violence, including invasive body cavity searches and violations of reproductive rights.
We are proud to announce that this is the first-ever instance where a civil society organisation has documented evidence and led a legal submission resulting in the sanctioning of a North Korean official or entity for human rights violations. This milestone is particularly poignant as we commemorate the ten-year anniversary of the UN Commission of Inquiry. We commend our dedicated staff for their tireless efforts and reaffirm our commitment to fulfilling our mission as mandated by the North Korean survivor community.
"The atrocities in North Korea represent one of the most urgent human rights crises in the world today. We commend the Council of the European Union for taking decisive action to hold individual perpetrators and institutions accountable," said Hyeonsim Lee, Head of Accountability at Korea Future.

Minister of State Security, Ri Chang Dae

Onsong County Ministry of State Security Detention Centre

For more information or to request an interview, please contact Ms. Yeinah Chang at chang@koreafuture.org or +31 6 81473506 (CEST timezone) or Ms. Hyeonsim Lee at lee@koreafuture.org. 

Notes to Editors:

  1. Korea Future is an NGO dedicated to investigating human rights violations in North Korea and using legal and advocacy strategies to hold perpetrators accountable.
  2. The European Union's Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime allows the EU to impose restrictive measures, including travel bans and asset freezes, on individuals and entities responsible for serious human rights violations globally, irrespective of where these violations occur.
  3. For more information on Korea Future’s work on sanctions, see here.
  4. For more information on the EU's  human rights sanctions regime, see here.